Shoulding all over yourself

  I’m back! After a month’s hiatus, I decided I should attempt posting again, it is often inspiring for me whether anyone else reads it or not. This morning I was feeling more than a little overwhelmed by all the things I think I “SHOULD” be doing because I am not working. However, I have…

Serenity, Acceptance, and Loving Myself

Some time ago my youngest niece sent me a card with the Serenity Prayer on it. I look at it every day, not due to a substance abuse issue, rather for a “letting go” and “new reality” perspective. In visiting with my therapist today, it became pretty obvious that I have not fully accepted and…

Distorted Thinking and Depression

May 20, 2016 12:11am I know that I often experience distorted thinking which correlates strongly with depression.  This article does a good job of explaining disordered thinking. It also makes suggestions as to ways to correct or redirect thinking.  (OK, I’ve fixed the font on this at least 6 times and it just keeps reverting…

Hiding out

May 18, 2016 4:16pm I got quite a bit accomplished by 1 or 130 today. I  dis some cleaning and house chores that have needed to be done for a while  Then I made glitter bombs for my GP family and got them mailed. Glitter bombs are homemade cards with some bling and/or a GP symbol…

Introverts and telephone calls

May 17, 2016 7:52pm I felt really sad and guilty today because  I  did not have the energy I needed to attempt a telephone conversation.  I slept poorly and was having a bit of a down day. But I miss my family and want to communicate with them. This got me thinking about my aversion…

Why LKM? Science-Based Reasons to Try Loving-Kindness Meditation Today!

May 13, 2016 10:14pm This article is from   Here are some excerpts: Loving Kindness Meditation (LKM) has been shown to have many benefits. Here are a few: Increases positive emotions & reduces negative emotions: LKM increases love, joy, contentment, gratitude, hope, and interest, amongst others. This resulted in increased mindfulness, purpose in life, social support,…